
Clients 2017-10-30T02:16:19+00:00

Willowtree has worked across the board in a variety of industries across all spectrums. Clients range from big corporates, local government and small businesses both locally and internationally

Some of our clients

Why Choose Willowtree?

  • Willowtree is a small consultancy, providing personalised service to deliver big results
  • Willowtree is a learning organisation, continually learning and acquiring new skills to ensure our clients are kept up to date
  • Willowtree is flexible in its approach and pricing structure

What Client’s Say

Thank you so much for making our workshop such a success. Your structure, perspective and guidance were fantastic, you really got the whole team engaged and ensured that we attained our goals for the day. The strategies and outcomes we obtained were very comprehensive and are assisting us in setting the direction of our business particularly over the next 18 months. we look forward to working with you again.

Senior Brand Manager